Amazing Wild Horse on a Training Session [With Video]

Amazing Wild Horse on a Training Session [With Video]

Training a horse requires tons of patience and a confident rider that can stay relaxed in all kinds of situations. This is a great example of this type of approach.

Here you can see Rosie, who is just starting out in her riding career. As you can see in some parts of wild horse videos, she gets a little worried, but her rider stays calm and reassures her at the right moments.

With the rider's calm reaction, Rosie quickly relaxes again and learns that there is nothing to worry about. She's doing great! I wish all horses starting out were this quiet! It would make the backing process much less 'scary'!

Of course, a lot of work went into Rosie's training before she could get to this point. You can't just hop on a horse that's never been ridden before and expect things to go well.

In fact, it would be disastrous and dangerous and pretty much putting your life on the line. Before that first ride, Rosie's parents would have spent lots of time training her from the ground.

Getting her used to the saddle, bridle, and weight on her back, all before asking her to take a step with a rider aboard.

What a great job Rosie's parents have done taking a kind, understanding approach to her training. I'm sure over time, she'll turn into a fantastic riding companion out on the trails or whatever job she turns her hoof at!

So what are the very first training steps?

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First Horse Training Steps

Here I'm going to give a very quick overview of the very first training steps done with horses.

At the very beginning, you keep things very basic by teaching the horse to wear a halter and leading politely.

During this time, you also introduce the horse to grooming and picking up its feet. This usually all starts when the horse is still a foal. Though some equestrians leave their young horses in groups to just be a horse until they are 3 years old.

Of course, that's just the beginning, there are many more steps after that before that first ride. I'm looking forward to seeing Rosie's progress!

Also Check: White Mare in Fresh Snow Video

Wild Horse on a Training Session
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