Cookie The Chestnut Horse: A Heartwarming Rescue Story

Cookie The Chestnut Horse: A Heartwarming Rescue Story

I love rescue stories!

Don't get me wrong: I am sad and heartbroken when animals are abused!

However, I am so thankful when people rescue those pets!

This is what Alix Danielle did! She rescued Cookie: The Chestnut horse!

Read below rescue horses before and after! Grab some tissues though!

CHECK: Chesnut Mare Names

Cookie The Chestnut Horse Rescue Story

When Cookie was first brought to the rescue, he was in very bad shape. He was severely malnourished, and his coat was dull and patchy.

Credit: Alix Danielle

He is a former polo horse who was left to fend for himself on a farm in Georgia.

For months, Cookie, a chestnut horse, struggled to survive. He was malnourished and weak, and there wasn't much food to be found in that cold winter.

But somehow, by some miracle, he managed to make it through. He was seriously underweight, losing vision in his left eye, had a severe leg injury, and rain rot all over him.

We are pretty sure he was abused, if not by people and other horses.

When he arrived at Tiki Kitty and pony rescue, he was underweight and had rain rot. We have been caring for his hand and hoove, and he is now a healthy weight again.

Credit: Alix Danielle

We are also treating his leg injury with medicine and light therapy. He is running again and is very happy! We are all grateful to be able to help this sweet horse!

ALSO CHECK: Amazing Wild Horse on a Training Session

Watch the video below: a huge transformation!

Now, a few months later, Cookie is healthy and happy. He loves spending time grazing in the paddock, and he enjoys getting brushed by his caretakers. He's also become quite fond of apples - especially when fresh from the orchard!

Despite his age, Cookie is still very active. He loves playing paddock with the other horses and can often be found grazing on fresh grass. He is a happy horse who has found a second chance at life thanks to the Tiki Kitty Rescue team!

Credit: Alix Danielle

Do you have a rescue story or a funny video to share with us? Email us: We would love to feature your story and your horse!

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  1. Alix Danielle on TikTok . TikTok. . Available from:

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