Trailer Jack Repair [3 Simple Steps Guide & Expert Tips]

Trailer Jack Repair [3 Simple Steps Guide & Expert Tips]

Corrosion, overuse, and lack of adequate care can all be the reason to trailer jack repair. For those of us who need trailer jacks for travel or transportation of beloved animals, I know how important this simple little tool is. 

A problematic trailer jack can cause significant damage to you and your livestock if it fails to function. It is against the law to use damaged equipment, although state and federal OSHA laws might differ. (1) 

Here's what you can do for trailer jack disassembly or to repair trailer jack:

    • Remove the components to reveal the main screw
    • Replace any components that are corroded or damaged 
    • Lubricate the inner screw and any other components 

In this article, I list the components of a jack and how you can rebuild and fix it!

Related: The Best Horse Trailer Brand List

Can a Trailer Jack Be Rebuilt?

Yes, you can rebuild a trailer jack! 

You're going to need several separate components to rebuild a jack. Some of these jack accessories include:

  1. A handle and the handle pin. 
  2. Internal bearing. 
  3. The top plate
  4. Side gear.
  5. Base gear.
  6. Keeper ring. 

However, they might differ according to the type of trailer hack you're using. You can also choose to purchase a new trailer jack, for instance, any of these electric horse trailer jacks.

Here's how you rebuild it. 

Remove the jack's cap and lift the upper edge once you've pulled on it. If your jack doesn't need repairs and you only need to replace the cap, just screw a new one on. 

However, you can take the rebuilding a few steps further. 

The jack will contain quite a bit of grease and potentially some debris. You'll have to clean that out before you can think of rebuilding it. 

How to Fix a Trailer Jack? Steps To Follow

If your trailer jack does not move up and down correctly when it should, this is the guide for you. 

Step 1: Get the fault off

Use an adequate side wrench to detach the fault from the side. This will let you take out the handle. 

Step 2: Apply the grease

Once you uncover the jack bearings after removing the jack washers, apply a coat of grease inside the bearing and outside. Then, take a look at the inner screw. 

Clean it thoroughly before you rub the grease onto it. One of the most likely reasons why your trailer jack might need fixing is that it needs lubrication. 

Step 3: Retracing your steps

Fix the bearing right back onto the end of the jack. Test out the jack and see if it is working correctly once again. 

Be sure to replace the washers. This should take you anywhere from half an hour to forty-five minutes. There isn't a lot of difference in trailer jacks. 

If you know how to use and fix one, you'll know how to do it to the rest. 

If you need visual aids, you can always watch this video to learn more.


How do you service a trailer jack?

You can usually service a trailer jack and open it up to reveal the large metallic screw inside. Clean it up and grease it. Check for broken or cracked parts. 

How do you grease the gooseneck jack?

Remove the bolts at the tops of the jack. Clean the screw.
Grease this as heavily as possible and spin it to check for smooth function. Don't forget to grease the washers, which you'll find at the top.
They help move the handle and remove friction.
Check our guide about making a DIY gooseneck electric trailer jack.

Can you lubricate a trailer jack?

Yes. In fact, greasing a trailer jack is part of its maintenance. Friction is a big no for your jack. It may cause problems when traveling. 
If you have a trailer meant to transport horses, you should know neglecting your jack can be dangerous. Opt for a lubricant or grease that does not collect dust. 
I hope I've helped you understand how trailer jack repair can be done. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below! 


The article shows you how jacks are simple yet effective tools for the transportation of trailers. The main step to their repair is disassembling them and lubricating them. 

I hope to have shown you the correct way to fix your jack, even if it's decades old. Let us know what you think in the comments below! 


  • 1. Trailer Jack Repair . . Available from:
  • 2. Use of jack stands in the stabilization of semi-trailers. | Occupational Safety and Health Administration . 2022. Available from:


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