How Should You Travel a Horse in a Trailer? Hit the Road

How Should You Travel a Horse in a Trailer? Hit the Road

How should you travel horses?

Ever wondered how should you travel a horse in a trailer without a hitch?

Well, it's a bit like preparing for a grand rodeo; every detail counts, and every moment matters.

As an experienced rider and horse-lover, I’m excited to share a few essential pointers that will make the journey as fun for your horse as a gallop across an open field!

Key Takeaways

    • Introduce your horse to the trailer gradually and create a cozy environment with familiar scents and bedding.
    • Practice loading and unloading before the actual trip to ensure a smoother experience. Stay calm and patient during these processes to help your horse feel more at ease.
    • Prioritize safe driving by avoiding sharp turns, abrupt stops, and rapid acceleration. Drive smoothly to prevent jarring your horse and maintain a comfortable journey.
    • Understand your horse's temperament, plan the route, consider health factors, and be prepared for emergencies.

How Should You Travel a Horse in a Trailer: 9 Expert Tips

  1. Familiarization:

Before hitting the road, getting your horse acquainted with the trailer is essential. My own horse, Thunder, was no exception.

It took a few days of slow, patient introduction before he felt comfortable stepping into the trailer.

  1. Comfortable Environment:

Just like us, horses appreciate a cozy, safe space. A clean, well-ventilated trailer free from sharp edges can keep the horse comfortable and make all the difference.

If you don't make the trailer a safe space for horses, you'll end up with an anxious horse.

I've found that placing some of Thunder's favorite hay and a familiar blanket in the horse trailer helped him relax.

  1. Loading and Unloading Practice:

Practice, as they say, makes perfect. Spending time on loading and unloading exercises ensures a smoother travel experience for your horse.

But practice before the actual travel.

Horse trainer and clinician Julie Goodnight affirms,

"Horses are very good at sensing when you’re in a hurry or are desperate for them to get in. When your horse knows that you’ve got all day, he’s far more likely to give up and get in." (1)

Check out how they're practicing with time and patience in this video.

  1. Driving Smoothly:

On the road, prioritize smooth, steady driving to avoid jarring your horse. Sharp turns, abrupt stops, and rapid acceleration can unsettle your horse.

Think of it as carrying a glass filled to the brim — you wouldn't want to spill it!

  1. Regular Breaks:

Horses, like humans, need regular breaks on long journeys. Let your horse rest and hydrate every 3–4 hours. (2)

Check out German's tips for travel breaks.

  1. Companionship:

Traveling with a familiar companion can help ease your horse's stress.

This horse buddy system worked wonders when I introduced Thunder's stablemate, Daisy, into the picture. Their shared adventures became more relaxed and enjoyable!

  1. Securing Your Horse:

Safety first! Your horse should have shipping boots on if the weather isn't too hot. They will protect your horse and provide support.

Their headcollar should have a quick-release knot or be a leather halter with a breakaway piece so they can be released quickly in an emergency

Learn how to do a quick-release knot with Erin.

  1. Health Check:

Before any trip, ensure your horse is fit to travel. Consulting with your vet for a health check can offer peace of mind.

In most cases, horse owners will need a health certificate to travel with their horses, especially if they're traveling to another state. (3)

Remember to keep your horse's health documents handy.

  1. Post-Travel Care:

After a trip, watch for any signs of stress or illness.

Some symptoms to look out for are changes in behavior, fatigue, respiratory issues, increased temperature, swelling, abnormal urination or defecation, decreased appetite, digestive problems, and dehydration.

What To Consider While Traveling With a Horse

Traveling with a horse is no simple feat — it's an adventure that requires thoughtful preparation, patience, and a deep understanding of your horse's needs.

But focusing on some key areas can make the journey smoother and more enjoyable for you and your equine companion.

One such key area is mastering the skill of how to back a trailer into a tight space, which is essential for safe and stress-free travels with your horse.

  1. Understanding Your Horse's Temperament

Each horse is unique, with its temperament and quirks. Some may take to traveling easily, while others might need more persuasion.

Take the time to understand your horse's disposition and how they respond to new environments.

I found this to be true with my own horse, Thunder, who, despite his bold name, was initially quite wary of the trailer. Getting him comfortable with the idea took time, patience, and many carrots.

  1. Ensuring Comfort During Travel

Creating a comfortable environment within the horse trailer is a crucial part of how you should travel with a horse in a trailer.

It goes beyond just the physical conditions of the trailer.

Keep in mind your horse's emotional comfort as well. Familiar scents, like a favorite blanket or a buddy's halter, can help soothe your horse during travel.

Also, consider the noise levels, which can be reduced with appropriate padding and insulation.

I discovered that Thunder appreciated having his favorite hay net during our trips. It served as both a distraction and a comforting, familiar scent.

  1. Safe Loading and Unloading

These processes can often be the most stressful parts of the journey for a horse. A poorly executed loading or unloading can unsettle your horse and start the trip badly.

Practice makes perfect here, and it's essential to rehearse these procedures before your actual travel day. Remember to stay calm and patient — your horse can sense your emotions. (4)

  1. Planning Your Route

Map out your journey. Breaks will allow your horse to stretch, hydrate, and relieve itself.

Use this time to check on your horse's well-being and adjust anything if needed.

  1. Health Considerations

Consult your vet before embarking on long-distance travel, especially if it's your horse's first time.

Ensuring your horse is in good health before and after the trip is important.

Look closely for any signs of stress or travel-related sickness, such as dehydration or travel fatigue.

Here's how to check your horse's vital signs:

Considering these considerations will ensure that traveling with your horse becomes a positive experience.

Remember, it's not just about the travel destination but also the journey. And that journey is all the more rewarding when shared with your equine companion.

While discovering the best practices for traveling with your horse in a trailer, don't forget also to read our guide on "How to Tie a Horse in a Straight Load Trailer" for essential safety tips and techniques. ??

Emergency Checklists

Embarking on a journey with your horse means preparing for the unexpected. Having a comprehensive travel checklist for emergencies can be a real lifesaver.

Here's an in-depth look at what your emergency checklist should include:

  1. Equine First Aid Kit:

A well-stocked equine first aid kit is an essential item for any horse travel. It should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, a digital thermometer, a stethoscope, sterile gloves, and wound dressing.

It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with basic equine first aid procedures.

  1. Emergency Contacts:

Have a list of important contacts readily available. This should include your vet's number, the contact details of the destination stable, and any roadside assistance services.

If traveling out of state, include numbers for vets in the areas you'll be passing through.

I learned the importance of this during a journey with Thunder when we encountered a minor health scare and had immediate access to a local vet thanks to our prepared list.

  1. Breakdown Contingency Plan:

In case of a vehicle breakdown, you need to have a plan. This could involve having roadside assistance on speed dial or knowing the locations of nearby stables where you can take your horse if needed.

Consider also carrying reflective safety vests and warning triangles to alert other road users to your situation, ensuring both your and your horse's safety.

  1. Water and Food:

Always have an extra supply of water and horse feed. A water change can sometimes upset a horse's stomach and lower water intake, so it's best to carry water from home, if possible.

  1. Horse's Health Records:

It is essential to keep a copy of your horse's health records, including their vaccination and deworming history.

In an emergency, this information could prove invaluable to unfamiliar vets.

  1. Spare Equipment:

Carry spare equipment like halters, lead ropes, and spare light bulbs for your trailer. You never know when something might break or malfunction.

  1. Weather Appropriate Gear:

Depending on the time of year and the areas you're traveling through, consider carrying horse blankets, fly masks, or other weather-appropriate gear for your horse.

Preparing for emergencies may seem overwhelming, but it's crucial to traveling with your horse.

Remember, the goal is to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey for you and your equine friend, which means planning for every scenario!

You just want to have a nice trip with your horse.


What essentials should I pack when traveling with my horse in a trailer?

Pack enough hay and water for the journey, a first-aid kit, a spare halter, lead rope, and any regular medications your horse might need. Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork, like health certificates, too.

How can I keep my horse calm during travel in a trailer?

Prior to the journey, familiarize your horse with the trailer. Practice loading and unloading. During travel, keep the trailer well-ventilated and take frequent breaks to help your horse stay calm and comfortable.

How often should I stop for breaks when traveling a horse in a trailer?

Generally, it's recommended to stop every 3–4 hours to allow your horse to rest and hydrate. Remember to adjust this based on your horse's specific needs and the overall travel conditions.


As any good equestrian knows, patience and understanding are paramount when knowing how to travel a horse in a trailer.

By mastering the right techniques, you're not just ensuring a safe ride but a positive bonding experience with your equine companion.

Picture each trip like a new trail on a long ride; each time you saddle up, you get better, and your horse trusts you more.

Ultimately, the commitment to your horse’s comfort transforms an ordinary trailer ride into a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Just as you feel a sense of achievement in conquering a challenging trail, you'll feel the same when your horse is content and stress-free during travel.

So now, aren't you excited for the next road trip with your hoofed buddy? After all, isn’t this journey about exploring uncharted trails and creating hoofprints of memories together?


  1. Goodnight J, Melocco H. Get on Board . Horse Illustrated Magazine. 2018 . Available from:
  2. Beckstett A. Horse Hydration: Your Questions Answered . The Horse. 2019. Available from:
  3. Gray L. Traveling with Your Horse? Reduce the Red Tape | AAEP . Flynn K, Pelzel-McCluskey A, editors. 2020 . Available from:
  4. Sandoiu A. How horses perceive and respond to human emotion . 2018 . Available from:


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