How To Clean Aluminum Horse Trailers: 5 Best Ways & Cleaners

How To Clean Aluminum Horse Trailers: 5 Best Ways & Cleaners

Do you need to know how to clean an aluminum horse trailer for your next show or outing? Or what's the best chemical to clean aluminum? Or if using vinegar to clean aluminum trailer will work?

You likely have an aluminum trailer, as it is a common modern material used for its "natural resistance to rust and corrosion" (1)

But knowing how to clean it properly is a must to ensure it stays in top condition.

I don’t have my own horse trailer, but when I saw my friends pull up in their sparkly clean aluminum horse trailers, I asked how they got them looking so good.

Here are the top tips that I learned!

Key Takeaways

    • Start by cleaning out dirt and debris
    • Clean it with a pressure washer
    • Consider using a truck stop wash
    • Use an acid wash
    • Apply a final polish

5 Ways to Clean Aluminum of Horse Trailers

There are a variety of ways that horse owners can keep their trailers clean. Some involve deep cleaning using an aluminum cleaner, and others are as simple as tidying up.

Keeping your entire trailer clean is important because it prevents corrosion on aluminum surfaces, which occurs because of aluminum oxidation. (2)

The rate at which aluminum corrosion happens depends on temperature and pH.

Now, let’s go over cleaning tips for how to clean aluminum horse trailers in detail.

  1. Sweep and Muck Out Debris

This is the simplest way to clean the inside of an aluminum trailer and the best way to maintain the cleanliness when you do not have time to do more.

Grab a sturdy broom, shovel, and shavings fork. And, of course, a wheelbarrow. Then head inside your trailer.

Start sweeping away any debris you see in the trailer bed and living quarters, including on the floor mats. Muck out the horse area and brush up as much debris as possible.

As you are sweeping, take special note of any areas that need extra cleaning attention. Taking care of visible dirt will help slow staining and the process of aluminum oxidation.

Don’t forget to tidy up the tack room and living quarters if you have them.

CHECK: Horse Trailer Brands to Avoid

Here is a video showing how to clean the tack room if you need extra help.

  1. Use a Pressure Washer

Once all of the dirt and debris have been brushed away from the trailer bed, it is a good idea to pressure wash the walls and floors to eliminate stubborn dirt marks or stuck-on grime, like black streaks.

You can pressure wash both the inside and outside of the trailer. If you don't have a pressure washer, a hose is the next best thing. It is a great way to get the dirt off quickly. Any debris that is caked on will come right off.

Here you can see horse trailer pressure washing in action.

  1. Take Your Trailer to a Truck Stop

A truck stop is the truck size equivalent of a car wash. Just bring your trailer in, pay a small fee, and have your trailer washed to perfection without additional steps.

You will save time and money because you do not have to clean the outside, but if the inside still needs to be cleaned, it may not be the option for you.

  1. Horse Trailer Acid Wash

Acid wash is a cleaning technique used in automatic car washes because it does not cost much and is very effective at cleaning.

However, hydrofluoric acid wash is corrosive and dangerous to humans, so it is not recommended by many experts. It is also hazardous to the environment, and there needs to be an eco-friendly version (3).

The basic principle of acid wash is that a light coating of acid is doused over the vehicle or trailer to help clean it.

There are some acid washes like Streakmaster that are non-toxic and still clean well.

ALSO CHECK: Horse Float Floor Replacement

  1. Apply Aluminum Polish and Clear Coat

Polishing your trailer is not going to clean any dirt, but it does help aluminum shine longer. Polished aluminum looks presentable, clean, and shiny.

Once you are done washing your trailer, apply the polish using a brush or a rag, depending on the size of the area you are working with.

The polish gives the aluminum finish on the trailer an extra level of protection and helps deter the effects of oxidation.

Best Cleaners for Aluminum Trailers

Now that you know some of the methods to clean your trailer, here are some options for DIY maintenance and store bought cleaners you can use.

Homemade Cleaner Ideas for Aluminum Horse Trailers

There are two popular DIY horse trailer cleaners that are easy and cheap to use.

  1. Use a Vinegar Solution

This is a method used to clean boats made of aluminum, but it can work for any aluminum transport.

You have to clean some of the grime off the aluminum before using the vinegar solution, but once the area is clean, make a solution of half water and half vinegar.

Once you have made this, spray it on with a spray bottle, leave it on for a minute, and then wipe it away with a towel. This will help remove difficult stains easily.

  1. Dish Soap Solution

Mix one cup of dish soap and one cup of water, and apply it with a sponge onto the trailer. Once the solution sits for a few minutes, rinse it off with a washcloth,

Store Bought Aluminum Trailer Cleaners

If you want something made specifically for cleaning aluminum, there are a number of options you can buy at the store.

  1. StarBrite Aluminum Cleaner

This cleaner is tough and removes stains and oxidation easily. It also comes with a sprayer for easy application, but since this product has acid, it is a good idea to put on safety gear before using this.

  1. Quality Chemical Aluminum Cleaner

This cleaner is versatile because it can be diluted with water to meet different cleaning needs. The high concentration of chemicals makes it strong enough to remove corrosion.

Although I have never cleaned a trailer before, this cleaner sounds like a good idea for someone who does it regularly because there are multiple ways to use it.

  1. Mary Kate Aluminex Cleaner

This cleaner has a mild formula that allows it to be tough on stains without scratching surfaces. However, this product needs to be diluted to a 1:1 ratio of product to water to achieve full effect.

Thus, it is not the best option if you are looking for a quick clean. Make sure to have eye protection on when using this product.

Why You Need to Clean Aluminum Horse Trailers Often

Even though aluminum is a durable material, knowing how to clean aluminum horse trailers is still important because dirt and grime buildup can weaken the aluminum if not maintained on a regular basis.

This shortens the lifespan of the aluminum and means you get less use out of your trailer. Not cleaning it also results in aluminum corrosion and oxidation. Aluminum oxidizes without regular maintenance.


What is the best cleaner for an aluminum horse trailer?

Silver BritePlus MX is the best because it removes stuck-on grime and stains without removing the mirror finish from your trailer. Frequent washing yields better results.

How do you get oxidation off aluminum trailers?

Go to the truck stop to remove oxidation using acid wash or use an aluminum cleaner that has the power to remove oxidation.


Knowing how to clean aluminum horse trailers is an important part of trailer ownership. It is a process that is time-consuming, but there is a variety of DIY and store-bought options that help get the job done.

Do you have any magic trailer cleaning tips? I'd love to hear them.

lady inside an aluminum horse trailer


  1. Aluminum vs Steel: Comparing the Two “Kings” of Metal . Monroe. 2016. Available from:
  2. Corrosion properties of aluminium alloys and surface treated alloys in tap water . 2011 . Available from:
  3. Genuino HC, Opembe NN, Njagi EC, McClain S, Suib SL. A review of hydrofluoric acid and its use in the car wash industry. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry . 2012 ;18:1529–39. Available from:


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