The Role of Gender in Horse Naming: A Shift from Tradition

The Role of Gender in Horse Naming: A Shift from Tradition

The role of gender in horse naming is critical to revere the tradition of horses.

The name given to a horse can reflect its personality, breed, and even its intended use.

While many factors go into choosing a name for a horse, gender is one of the most important considerations.

In this article, I will dig into the role of gender in horse naming and how it affects the names given to horses.

Key Takeaways

Gender of horse affects horse naming, with male horses typically receiving strong names and female horses receiving graceful, elegant names.

Naming conventions vary, with some cultures and periods giving horses names that reflect their breed or lineage while others focus more on the horse's appearance or personality.

Recently, there has been a push towards more gender-neutral names for horses, reflecting a growing societal awareness of and sensitivity to gender equality.

This trend is particularly evident in horse racing, where many trainers and owners opt for names that are not readily associated with a specific gender.

Overview of the Role of Gender in Horse Naming 

Gone are the days when patriarchal values dictated horse naming and traditional conventions.

Today, the role of gender in horse naming is evolving and becoming increasingly inclusive, reflecting a shift in societal attitudes toward gender equality.

In the past, male horses were often given assertive and influential names, while female horses were relegated to more delicate and nurturing monikers.

But now, horse societies, such as the British Horse Society, are leading the way in taking a more progressive approach to horse naming.

This includes considering the gender of both domestic and wild horses and embracing a blend of modern and traditional names.

The focus is on creating descriptive, unique names that reflect the horse's personality and characteristics, regardless of gender . 

The horse society's goal is to promote equality and diversity in horse naming, breaking away from traditional gender stereotypes and promoting inclusiveness in the horse community.

The Traditional Approach:

Winston Churchill once noted that there is a therapeutic quality to a horse's exterior that benefits a person's inner being :

"Don't give your son money. As far as you can afford it, give him horses. No one ever came to grief, except honourable grief, through riding horses."

Traditionally, male horses have been given names that reflect their strength, power, and masculinity. These names often include words like "king," "warrior," and "stallion."

On the other hand, female horses have been given names that reflect their grace, beauty, and femininity.

These names often include words like "queen," "princess," and "mare." This approach to naming horses is rooted in the belief that horses, like humans, have distinct gender-specific characteristics.

That certain horse breeds have specific naming conventions is also emphasized -- and with gender in the picture, painting a story unique and captivating to an individual horse...

The Modern Approach:

Push toward gender-neutral names

Recently, there has been a push towards gender-neutral names for horses in the equestrian world.

This shift is driven by a growing awareness of gender equality and the recognition that horses, like other domestic animals, should be recognized as individuals rather than gender-based.

This trend is particularly evident in the racing industry with race horses, where trainers and owners are increasingly choosing gender-neutral names that do not readily associate with a specific gender. 

Increased sensitivity to gender equality

The world of horse racing is embracing change, as the increased sensitivity to gender equality is making its way to the naming of horses.

No longer do horses have to bear only masculine names, as many individuals recognize the importance of giving female horses names that reflect their strength and grace.

This shift in thinking is not only a nod to gender equality but also a fresh and dynamic element of the sport.

The possibilities are endless, from regal and powerful names for mares to names that honor women who have broken barriers and made history.

This move towards gender equality in horse naming is a testament to the changing times and a bright and exciting future for the sport.

Impact on horse racing

The increased sensitivity to gender equality has also impacted how horses are bred, raised, and trained in horse racing.

With modern horse breeding techniques, horses are now bred for specific races and disciplines, such as thoroughbreds for flat racing and heavy draft horses for carriage and plow work.

The breeding of modern horses has also resulted in a shift from traditional horse racing breeds, with wild horses now being used for various types of horse racing.

The use of modern horses and new breeding techniques has positively impacted the sport, resulting in faster, more robust, and more agile horses capable of performing at a higher level.

Looking for gender-neutral horse names, or curious about the terminology surrounding horse gender? Our articles on "Gender Neutral Horse Names" and "Horse Gender Terms" provide valuable insights and advice on naming and identifying horses.

Whether you're a seasoned horse owner or a beginner, these resources will help you navigate the sometimes-confusing world of equine language and culture. Don't miss out on these essential reads for every horse enthusiast!

The Impact of Gender on Horse Naming

The role of gender in horse naming has a significant impact on how horses are perceived and treated.

Male horses

Horses with masculine names are often thought to be more powerful and aggressive.

Male horses have traditionally been given names that embody strength, courage, and power. These names often reflect the individual animal's size, build, and athleticism.

Female horses

Horses with feminine names -- on the other hand -- are more gentle and docile.

Female horses have been named with a more delicate and graceful touch. Their names often reflect their beauty, grace, and elegance, as well as their character and personality.

Solid and bold names vs Graceful and elegant names

The naming conventions for male and female horses vary across breeds and cultures.

For example, in the British horse society, there are specific guidelines for naming horses registered with the organization, with certain letters and combinations reserved for a particular gender.

In domestic animal husbandry, the gender of a horse has traditionally played a significant role in determining the name it is given.

These naming conventions have evolved but remain an essential aspect of horse culture and history and continue to reflect the individual characteristics of each horse.

Check out this video for some cute horse names:


  1. How has the approach to horse naming changed in recent years?

Yes, the focus shifted from gender to a horse's traits and characteristics when naming.
This shift has broadened the range of names given to horses, regardless of gender.

  1. Is it important to consider gender when choosing a name for a horse?

Although the modern way of naming horses emphasizes the horse's personality and characteristics, it doesn't have to be based on gender. 

  1. Can a horse be renamed after it's already named?

Yes, a horse can be renamed at any time. It's common practice in many cases, such as when a horse is sold or adopted or the original name doesn't suit the horse.

  1. Are there any specific rules or guidelines regarding horse naming?

No, but some registries or breed associations may have their requirements or guidelines for naming horses.
It's always best to check with the relevant organizations or governing bodies if you're unsure.


The role of gender in horse naming is an important consideration when choosing a name for a horse.

Tradition has dictated that male horses are given names that reflect their strength and power:

Female horses are given names that reflect their grace and beauty, and the modern approach to horse naming has led to a more diverse range of names being given to horses.

Regardless of gender, choosing a name that reflects the horse's unique personality and characteristics is the most important thing.

That concludes today's discussion, but it doesn't have to end here. If you have any unique and memorable horse names, I'd love to hear them. Simply leave a comment below. Until next time...

mare and colt running beside each other


  1. KRUZER A. 173 Good Names for a Horse . The Spruce Pets. 2022 . Available from:
  2. Silver M. 15 of the greatest horse quotes of all time (from Churchill to Shakespeare) . Horse & Hound. 2020. Available from:

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