300+ Best LOTR Horse Names for Your Favorite Equine Friend

300+ Best LOTR Horse Names for Your Favorite Equine Friend

As an equestrian and a lord of the rings fan, then lotr horse names will most certainly pique your interest.
Finding a great name for your new equine friend can be overwhelming—especially when there are so many great names to choose from!
Well, I've got you covered. Here are some of my favorite horse names from lord of the rings:
LOTR Horse Names for Stallions LOTR Horse Names for Mares
Arod Brego
Arroch Lightfoot
Asfaloth Nazgul
Bill, the Pony Rochallor
Bumpkin Roheryn
Fatty Lumpkin Shadowfax (4)
Firefoot Snowmane
Felarof Stybba
Hasufel Windfola
Nahar Wise-nose
Best 106 Lord of the Rings Inspired Horse Names
Fantasy movies and real-life events are some of the greatest inspirations for majestic horse names.
Lord of the Rings is an epic medieval movie with supernatural wild horses. 
In this movie trilogy, you will notice powerful names for ghostlike creatures, far-fetched places like the Fangorn ancient forest, and the vast kingdom of Rohan.

Here is my personal best list of inspired horse names from the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

A knight on a horse during a sunset
    • Albrand
    • Aldhild
    • Aragorn – Uraeus - A ranger of the North who was also the descendant of Isildur
    • Arod - This was a greyish white horse given to Legolasby the Riders of Rohan in The Two Towers. It means “swift” in Hebrews.
    • Arroch - Appeared in the First Age. It was the horse of Húrin Thalion
    • Asfaloth - Glorfindel’s magnificent Andalusian stallion.
    • Balddoina
    • Baldwine
    • Balin - A soldier
    • Billy the Pony - Frodo Baggins and his companions bought Bill the wiser pony in Bree on their way to Rivendell
    • Brego - Aragorn's horse girl
    • Bumpkin - One Merry Brandybuck wise pony rode at Crickhollow. Merry gave Bumpkin to the Hobbits to use on their journey to the tower of the rings
    • Cynedis
    • Déorlida
    • Déorwara
    • Dúndoina
    • Dúnheort
    • Dúnnere
    • Dúnryth
    • Éadgyth
    • Éadleth
    • Éadwyn
    • Eahild
    • Ealrun
    • Elfmer
    • Eóca
    • Éorcanstan
    • Eóred
    • Éorhild
    • Éorl
    • Éornild
    • Éorrith
    • Eówyn
    • Erkenbrand
    • Erkenor
    • Fatty Lumpkin - Fatty Lumpkin was another wise pony that Tom Bombadil rode
    • Felarof - Eorl the young's steed. He understood the speech of men and was the first of the Mearas.
    • Firefoot - A Rohan horse ridden by Éomer
    • Folchild
    • Folclida
    • Folcwena
    • Folcwine - (Rohirrim name)
    • Folheort
    • Fréadan
    • Fréaláf
    • Fréanere
    • Frumbrand - (Rohirrim name)
    • Frumlid
    • Fulfara
    • Gamgrim
    • Gamor
    • Gandalf
    • Gárbald - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gárca
    • Gárdred
    • Gármer
    • Gárwine
    • Gárwine
    • Gléowen
    • Gnomish
    • Godwell
    • Godwyn
    • Goldrid
    • Grimdig
    • Grimling
    • Guthgar
    • Guthhild
    • Háhild
    • Hasufel - One of the grey coat horses gifted to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli by Éomer to pursue the Uruk-hai. But Aragorn rode Hasufel.
    • Héowena - Ideal for a grey horse
    • Héowine
    • Heruthain
    • Heruwine
    • Hobbit
    • Holdcred
    • Holdith
    • Holdlid
    • Holdred
    • Holdwine - (Rohirrim name)
    • Isengard
    • Léofgyth
    • Lightfoot -  (horse of Rohan)
    • Maerrun
    • Nahar - Nahar (from the Valarin Naechaerra) was the horse of the Vala Oromë
    • Noldorin
    • Peregrin
    • Qeyna - Elvish horse
    • Rochallor - The mighty horse of Fingolfin, High King of the Ñoldor.
    • Rohan
    • Roheryn - horse gifted to Aragorn by Arwen
    • Sharp-Ears - (one of Merry's ponies)
    • Snowmane - Lightfoot’s foal. The mount of King Théoden rode Snowmane into the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
    • Stybba - Another wise pony given by Théoden to Merry Brandybuck.
    • Swish-Tail - (one of Merry's ponies)
    • Théodhild
    • Théodryth - Elvish Horse
    • Théonild
    • Théorith
    • Théowyn
    • Tidwen
    • Tolkien - Elvish Horse
    • White socks – One of the hobbits Ponies
    • Windfola - Éowyn's grey steed. 
    • Wise-Nose - (one of Merry's ponies)
Here is a cool video of names inspired by the lotr franchise.
ALSO CHECK: Race Horse Names Starting With A
94 LOTR Horse Names for Stallions
Horses from Middle Earth inspire this list of horse names for stallions. These are fun names for horses and many with a LOTR theme (thanks to Tolkien).
Find out which stallion name you should saddle up with on your next horseback adventure.

Here are 90+ names from the lord of the rings to consider for your silver Stallion or Appaloosa horses at home.

A silhouette of a knight on a horse under title lotr horse names
    • Albald - (Rohirrim name)
    • Bilbo Baggins  - A hobbit
    • Baldor
    • Balor
    • Bilbo
    • Boromir
    • Brytta
    • Déorbrand - Ideal for a grey horse
    • Déorgar
    • Déorhelm
    • Déornere
    • Draugluin
    • Dúnfara
    • Dúnred
    • Éadwine
    • Elfhelm - (Rohirrim name)
    • Elfmod - Ideal name for a silver stallion
    • Elrond - Lord of Rivendell
    • Eóca
    • Éored
    • Éothain
    • Erkenbrand
    • Erkenca
    • Faramir - Soldier of Gondor
    • Fastbald- (Rohirrim name)
    • Fastgrim
    • Fasthere
    • Fenblod
    • Folca
    • Folcwine
    • Foldig
    • Folfara
    • Folnere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Foltor
    • Frodo Baggins - Nephew to Bilbo Baggins
    • Frumheort
    • Frumhere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Fuldor
    • Fulfred
    • Fulgar
    • Fulwine
    • Gamblod - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gamda
    • Gammund
    • Gandalf
    • Gárbald - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gárman
    • Gilli - A hobbit from Shire
    • Gimli
    • Gléoulf
    • Gléowine
    • Goldere
    • Goldmód
    • Gollum - The ring's owner
    • Gondor
    • Gríma
    • Grimblod
    • Grimdred
    • Guthláf - (Rohirrim name)
    • Guthor
    • Guthred
    • Haleth
    • Háling
    • Háman - (Rohirrim name)
    • Hámod
    • Háor
    • Héofred
    • Herehelm
    • Hereleth
    • Herugar
    • Heruleth
    • Hobbit
    • Holdred - (Rohirrim name)
    • Isengard
    • Legolas - An elf
    • Léobrand
    • Léofa
    • Léofwine
    • Léomod - (Rohirrim name)
    • Peregrin
    • Phantasmus
    • Pippin
    • Rohan
    • Sam
    • Saruman - A wizard and erstwhile. He was also the ruler of Isengard.
    • Sauron
    • Shadowfax - A mighty horse of Rohan. Also, the name of Gandalf’s horse
    • Smeagol
    • Strider
    • Theoden
    • Théoling - (Rohirrim name)
    • Théomod
    • Wídfara
    • Wídhere
Check out this awesome video of shadowfax.
106 LOTR Horse Names for Mares
Choosing the perfect name for your mare can be overwhelming, primarily because of its beauty and gentle personality.
Luckily, you will get a few ideas and names to give your mare after watching Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Below are the perfect names to give your gentle giant , inspired by the lotr movie.

A white horse in a barn under title lotr horse names
    • Aldnild
    • Aldor- (Rohirrim name)
    • Aldwen
    • Aldwena
    • Angelica - Messenger of God
    • Aredhel
    • Arien
    • Arwen - A half-elf
    • Baldgyth
    • Balhere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Belladonna
    • Berylla
    • Carda
    • Ceolrid
    • Daisy - Sister to Halfred and Hamson
    • Déor - (Rohirrim name)
    • Déorgyth
    • Dernburh
    • Dory - Gift from God
    • Dúnwyn
    • Eaddoina
    • Eadhild
    • Éadig - (Rohirrim name)
    • Éadlid
    • Éadmer - (Rohirrim name)
    • Eadnild
    • Eahild
    • Eahild
    • Eallid
    • Elanor - Ideal for a grey horse
    • Elfere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Elfheort
    • Elflid
    • Elwing
    • Éohere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Éorwara
    • Eowyn
    • Eówyn
    • Ephel
    • Fasttor - (Rohirrim name)
    • Fencanstan - ideal for a grey horse
    • Fengel
    • Fenthain - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Frumbald
    • Frumdis
    • Frumheort
    • Frumwell
    • Fulbald- (Rohirrim name)
    • Fulgar
    • Galadriel
    • Gamgar - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Gamhild
    • Gamith
    • Gamnild
    • Gamwell
    • Gárblod
    • Gilraen
    • Gléobeam - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gléomund - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Gléorun
    • Goldberry
    • Goldhild
    • Guthhild
    • Guthlid
    • Háith
    • Haleth
    • Héorith
    • Héorun
    • Hereblod
    • Herehild
    • Herelith
    • Hererith
    • Herufred
    • Herugyth
    • Herulith
    • Herumod
    • Heruwen
    • Hild
    • Holdor
    • Idril
    • Lava
    • Léofred - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Leofrid
    • Léofwine
    • Liv
    • Lothiriel
    • Maetdis
    • Maetlith
    • Melian
    • Morwen
    • Nerdanel
    • Nienor
    • Rian
    • Saeith
    • Shelob
    • Somerhild
    • Somerri
    • Tauriel
    • Théodwyn
    • Théolida
    • Théorun
    • Ungoliant
    • Waerryth
    • Waerwyn
    • Wídwell
    • Yavanna
Check out these 12 Cute Horse Names That Start With S.


What is the name of Frodo Baggins horse?

Bill the wiser Pony.

What is the horse name of Lord of the Rings?

Arod, Bill the wiser Pony, Hasufel, Shadowfax, Snowmane, and the elven horse Asfaloth are the most featured horses in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movie.

What is Arwen's horse's name?


What was the name of Eowyn's horse?

Windfola was the grey Rohirrim horse that Éowyn rode during the War of the Ring.
Finding the precise name for your mighty silver stallion or mare can be overwhelming.
Luckily, you have several different places to get inspiration. Nowadays, movies and novels are the most common places to get great horse names.
Peter Jackson's Lord of The Rings trilogy is one ideal movie with fun, engaging, and unique horse names. These names are perfect for your horse.
Luckily, this article has looked at horse names lord of the rings.
white horse galloping
What are your favorite horse names from LOTR? Please share below!
1. Tolkien J. Guide to the Names in the Lord of the Rings. http://www.tolkien.ro/text/JRR%20Tolkien%20-%20Guide%20to%20the%20Names%20in%20The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings.pdf
2. Stone L. App

As an equestrian and a lord of the rings fan, then lotr horse names will most certainly pique your interest.

Finding a great name for your new equine friend can be overwhelming—especially when there are so many great names to choose from!

Well, I've got you covered. Here are some of my favorite horse names from lord of the rings:

LOTR Horse Names for Stallions

LOTR Horse Names for Mares







Bill, the Pony




Fatty Lumpkin

Shadowfax (4)









Best 106 Lord of the Rings Inspired Horse Names

Fantasy movies and real-life events are some of the greatest inspirations for majestic horse names.

Lord of the Rings is an epic medieval movie with supernatural wild horses. 

In this movie trilogy, you will notice powerful names for ghostlike creatures, far-fetched places like the Fangorn ancient forest, and the vast kingdom of Rohan.

Here is my personal best list of inspired horse names from the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

    • Albrand
    • Aldhild
    • Aragorn – Uraeus - A ranger of the North who was also the descendant of Isildur
    • Arod - This was a greyish white horse given to Legolasby the Riders of Rohan in The Two Towers. It means “swift” in Hebrews.
    • Arroch - Appeared in the First Age. It was the horse of Húrin Thalion
    • Asfaloth - Glorfindel’s magnificent Andalusian stallion.
    • Balddoina
    • Baldwine
    • Balin - A soldier
    • Billy the Pony - Frodo Baggins and his companions bought Bill the wiser pony in Bree on their way to Rivendell
    • Brego - Aragorn's horse girl
    • Bumpkin - One Merry Brandybuck wise pony rode at Crickhollow. Merry gave Bumpkin to the Hobbits to use on their journey to the tower of the rings
    • Cynedis
    • Déorlida
    • Déorwara
    • Dúndoina
    • Dúnheort
    • Dúnnere
    • Dúnryth
    • Éadgyth
    • Éadleth
    • Éadwyn
    • Eahild
    • Ealrun
    • Elfmer
    • Eóca
    • Éorcanstan
    • Eóred
    • Éorhild
    • Éorl
    • Éornild
    • Éorrith
    • Eówyn
    • Erkenbrand
    • Erkenor
    • Fatty Lumpkin - Fatty Lumpkin was another wise pony that Tom Bombadil rode
    • Felarof - Eorl the young's steed. He understood the speech of men and was the first of the Mearas.
    • Firefoot - A Rohan horse ridden by Éomer
    • Folchild
    • Folclida
    • Folcwena
    • Folcwine - (Rohirrim name)
    • Folheort
    • Fréadan
    • Fréaláf
    • Fréanere
    • Frumbrand - (Rohirrim name)
    • Frumlid
    • Fulfara
    • Gamgrim
    • Gamor
    • Gandalf
    • Gárbald - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gárca
    • Gárdred
    • Gármer
    • Gárwine
    • Gárwine
    • Gléowen
    • Gnomish
    • Godwell
    • Godwyn
    • Goldrid
    • Grimdig
    • Grimling
    • Guthgar
    • Guthhild
    • Háhild
    • Hasufel - One of the grey coat horses gifted to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli by Éomer to pursue the Uruk-hai. But Aragorn rode Hasufel.
    • Héowena - Ideal for a grey horse
    • Héowine
    • Heruthain
    • Heruwine
    • Hobbit
    • Holdcred
    • Holdith
    • Holdlid
    • Holdred
    • Holdwine - (Rohirrim name)
    • Isengard
    • Léofgyth
    • Lightfoot -  (horse of Rohan)
    • Maerrun
    • Nahar - Nahar (from the Valarin Naechaerra) was the horse of the Vala Oromë
    • Noldorin
    • Peregrin
    • Qeyna - Elvish horse
    • Rochallor - The mighty horse of Fingolfin, High King of the Ñoldor.
    • Rohan
    • Roheryn - horse gifted to Aragorn by Arwen
    • Sharp-Ears - (one of Merry's ponies)
    • Snowmane - Lightfoot’s foal. The mount of King Théoden rode Snowmane into the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
    • Stybba - Another wise pony given by Théoden to Merry Brandybuck.
    • Swish-Tail - (one of Merry's ponies)
    • Théodhild
    • Théodryth - Elvish Horse
    • Théonild
    • Théorith
    • Théowyn
    • Tidwen
    • Tolkien - Elvish Horse
    • White socks – One of the hobbits Ponies
    • Windfola - Éowyn's grey steed. 
    • Wise-Nose - (one of Merry's ponies)

Here is a cool video of names inspired by the lotr franchise.

ALSO CHECK: Race Horse Names Starting With A

94 LOTR Horse Names for Stallions

Horses from Middle Earth inspire this list of horse names for stallions. These are fun names for horses and many with a LOTR theme (thanks to Tolkien).

Find out which stallion name you should saddle up with on your next horseback adventure.

Here are 90+ names from the lord of the rings to consider for your silver Stallion or Appaloosa horses at home.

    • Albald - (Rohirrim name)
    • Bilbo Baggins  - A hobbit
    • Baldor
    • Balor
    • Bilbo
    • Boromir
    • Brytta
    • Déorbrand - Ideal for a grey horse
    • Déorgar
    • Déorhelm
    • Déornere
    • Draugluin
    • Dúnfara
    • Dúnred
    • Éadwine
    • Elfhelm - (Rohirrim name)
    • Elfmod - Ideal name for a silver stallion
    • Elrond - Lord of Rivendell
    • Eóca
    • Éored
    • Éothain
    • Erkenbrand
    • Erkenca
    • Faramir - Soldier of Gondor
    • Fastbald- (Rohirrim name)
    • Fastgrim
    • Fasthere
    • Fenblod
    • Folca
    • Folcwine
    • Foldig
    • Folfara
    • Folnere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Foltor
    • Frodo Baggins - Nephew to Bilbo Baggins
    • Frumheort
    • Frumhere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Fuldor
    • Fulfred
    • Fulgar
    • Fulwine
    • Gamblod - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gamda
    • Gammund
    • Gandalf
    • Gárbald - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gárman
    • Gilli - A hobbit from Shire
    • Gimli
    • Gléoulf
    • Gléowine
    • Goldere
    • Goldmód
    • Gollum - The ring's owner
    • Gondor
    • Gríma
    • Grimblod
    • Grimdred
    • Guthláf - (Rohirrim name)
    • Guthor
    • Guthred
    • Haleth
    • Háling
    • Háman - (Rohirrim name)
    • Hámod
    • Háor
    • Héofred
    • Herehelm
    • Hereleth
    • Herugar
    • Heruleth
    • Hobbit
    • Holdred - (Rohirrim name)
    • Isengard
    • Legolas - An elf
    • Léobrand
    • Léofa
    • Léofwine
    • Léomod - (Rohirrim name)
    • Peregrin
    • Phantasmus
    • Pippin
    • Rohan
    • Sam
    • Saruman - A wizard and erstwhile. He was also the ruler of Isengard.
    • Sauron
    • Shadowfax - A mighty horse of Rohan. Also, the name of Gandalf’s horse
    • Smeagol
    • Strider
    • Theoden
    • Théoling - (Rohirrim name)
    • Théomod
    • Wídfara
    • Wídhere

Check out this awesome video of shadowfax.

106 LOTR Horse Names for Mares

Choosing the perfect name for your mare can be overwhelming, primarily because of its beauty and gentle personality.

Luckily, you will get a few ideas and names to give your mare after watching Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Below are the perfect names to give your gentle giant , inspired by the lotr movie.

    • Aldnild
    • Aldor- (Rohirrim name)
    • Aldwen
    • Aldwena
    • Angelica - Messenger of God
    • Aredhel
    • Arien
    • Arwen - A half-elf
    • Baldgyth
    • Balhere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Belladonna
    • Berylla
    • Carda
    • Ceolrid
    • Daisy - Sister to Halfred and Hamson
    • Déor - (Rohirrim name)
    • Déorgyth
    • Dernburh
    • Dory - Gift from God
    • Dúnwyn
    • Eaddoina
    • Eadhild
    • Éadig - (Rohirrim name)
    • Éadlid
    • Éadmer - (Rohirrim name)
    • Eadnild
    • Eahild
    • Eahild
    • Eallid
    • Elanor - Ideal for a grey horse
    • Elfere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Elfheort
    • Elflid
    • Elwing
    • Éohere - (Rohirrim name)
    • Éorwara
    • Eowyn
    • Eówyn
    • Ephel
    • Fasttor - (Rohirrim name)
    • Fencanstan - ideal for a grey horse
    • Fengel
    • Fenthain - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Frumbald
    • Frumdis
    • Frumheort
    • Frumwell
    • Fulbald- (Rohirrim name)
    • Fulgar
    • Galadriel
    • Gamgar - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Gamhild
    • Gamith
    • Gamnild
    • Gamwell
    • Gárblod
    • Gilraen
    • Gléobeam - (Rohirrim name)
    • Gléomund - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Gléorun
    • Goldberry
    • Goldhild
    • Guthhild
    • Guthlid
    • Háith
    • Haleth
    • Héorith
    • Héorun
    • Hereblod
    • Herehild
    • Herelith
    • Hererith
    • Herufred
    • Herugyth
    • Herulith
    • Herumod
    • Heruwen
    • Hild
    • Holdor
    • Idril
    • Lava
    • Léofred - (Mighty horse name in Rohirrim)
    • Leofrid
    • Léofwine
    • Liv
    • Lothiriel
    • Maetdis
    • Maetlith
    • Melian
    • Morwen
    • Nerdanel
    • Nienor
    • Rian
    • Saeith
    • Shelob
    • Somerhild
    • Somerri
    • Tauriel
    • Théodwyn
    • Théolida
    • Théorun
    • Ungoliant
    • Waerryth
    • Waerwyn
    • Wídwell
    • Yavanna

Check out these 12 Cute Horse Names That Start With S.



What is the name of Frodo Baggins horse?

Bill the wiser Pony.

What is the horse name of Lord of the Rings?

Arod, Bill the wiser Pony, Hasufel, Shadowfax, Snowmane, and the elven horse Asfaloth are the most featured horses in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movie.

What is Arwen's horse's name?


What was the name of Eowyn's horse?

Windfola was the grey Rohirrim horse that Éowyn rode during the War of the Ring.


Finding the precise name for your mighty silver stallion or mare can be overwhelming.

Luckily, you have several different places to get inspiration. Nowadays, movies and novels are the most common places to get great horse names.

Peter Jackson's Lord of The Rings trilogy is one ideal movie with fun, engaging, and unique horse names. These names are perfect for your horse.

Luckily, this article has looked at horse names lord of the rings.

What are your favorite horse names from LOTR? Please share below!


  1. Tolkien J. Guide to the Names in the Lord of the Rings. http://www.tolkien.ro/text/JRR%20Tolkien%20-%20Guide%20to%20the%20Names%20in%20The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings.pdf
  2. Stone L. Appaloosa Horses. Britannica Digital Learning; 2013. Accessed May 23, 2022. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=dS-dAAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA4&dq=appaloosa+horses&ots=nd5SpOTLQI&sig=6Y6lzkA-j8fYkmp8hYTammv2j9w
  3. Mare - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. www.sciencedirect.com. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/mare
  4. C M. Lord Of The Rings: What Is The Origin Story Of Shadowfax “The Lord Of All Horses”?. Game Rant. Published August 22, 2021. Accessed May 23, 2022. https://gamerant.com/lotr-shadowfax-lord-horses-origin-story/
aloosa Horses. Britannica Digital Learning; 2013. Accessed May 23, 2022. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=dS-dAAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA4&dq=appaloosa+horses&ots=nd5SpOTLQI&sig=6Y6lzkA-j8fYkmp8hYTammv2j9w
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4. C M. Lord Of The Rings: What Is The Origin Story Of Shadowfax “The Lord Of All Horses”?. Game Rant. Published August 22, 2021. Accessed May 23, 2022. https://gamerant.com/lotr-shadowfax-lord-horses-origin-story/

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