450+ Fascinating Latin and Greek horse names

450+ Fascinating Latin and Greek horse names

Are you looking for some amazing Latin name for horse and Greek horse names that will make everyone turn their heads?

Then you're exactly where you need to be!

We have put together a list of names that will be perfect for your stallion or mare - right from the pages of Latin and Greek mythology and history!

Don't forget to check out our lists of Spanish names for horses and Russian horse names too! 

Latin & Greek Horse Names Top Pick at a Glance

See the table below for a quick glance at our favorite names, then read on for the rest!

Latin and Greek Horse Names for Stallion Latin and Greek Horse Names for Mare
Aeon Agalia
Cepheus Berenice
Damon Chloe
Ethos Daphne
Genesis Eirene
Hector Gia
Judas Iliana
Kudos Kady
Oxyntes Mahalia
Tryferos Ophelia

Greek and Latin Horse Names Inspired by History and Mythology

From history to mythology, Greek and Latin cultures offer everything that's glorious.

It is Greek mythology that has inspired many movies, stories, plays, and more.

From winged horse breeds to immortal horses, there are all types of mythological horses, as well as other animals and characters.

Here are some amazing Greek mythology horse names that you can consider.   

76 Greek Horse Names for Stallion

Don't you want a name for your stallion that will remind everyone of valor and strength?

From black horse names to names for a white horse - you'll find something impressive on this list of names based on Greek heroes.

close-up shot of a brown horse's face

These are powerful names that work best for a stallion.

  1. Abderus
  2. Achilles
  3. Aeneas
  4. Aether
  5. Aion
  6. Ajax
  7. Albandus
  8. Amphiaraus
  9. Amphitryon
  10. Anemoi
  11. Antilochus
  12. Apollo
  13. Ares
  14. Askalaphos
  15. Astraeus
  16. Atlas
  17. Bellerophon
  18. Boreas
  19. Bouzges
  20. Caicias
  21. Castor
  22. Ceraon
  23. Chrysippus
  24. Coeus
  25. Crius
  26. Cronus
  27. Daedalus
  28. Dionysys
  29. Elusis
  30. Epumetheus
  31. Erebos
  32. Erebus
  33. Eros
  34. Eunostus
  35. Ganymede
  36. Hades
  37. Hades
  38. Hector
  39. Helios
  40. Hephaestus
  41. Hermes
  42. Hyperion
  43. Hypnos
  44. Icarus
  45. Iolaus
  46. Jason
  47. Lapetus
  48. Lelanthos
  49. Meleager
  50. Menoetrius
  51. Morpheus
  52. Notus
  53. Oceanus
  54. Odysseus
  55. Orpheus
  56. Oupis
  57. Ourea
  58. Paean
  59. Pallas
  60. Pandion
  61. Perses
  62. Perseus
  63. Phanes
  64. Pontus
  65. Poseidon
  66. Prometheus
  67. Skerion
  68. Styx
  69. Tataurus
  70. Telesphorus
  71. Thanatos
  72. Theseus
  73. Uranus
  74. Zagreus
  75. Zephyrus
  76. Zeus

READ MORE: 350 Beautiful French Horse Names

73 Greek Horse Names For Mares

Greek mythology is not just about powerful heroes but also unforgettable and mesmerizing heroines.

These are inspiring characters who have left a mark on the minds of people around the world.

white mare beside a river


Do you want to give your mare a meaning, mythological name?

Then take a look at our list of the most beautiful female horse names inspired by Greek mythology.  

  1. Achlys
  2. Aglaea
  3. Alcestis
  4. Alectrona
  5. Amymone
  6. Ananke
  7. Angelos
  8. Anthei
  9. Aphrodite
  10. Ariadne
  11. Artemis
  12. Asteria
  13. Athena
  14. Auge
  15. Auxesia
  16. Breseis
  17. Britomartis
  18. Caeneus
  19. Cassandra
  20. Chaos
  21. Charites
  22. Chemion
  23. Chloris
  24. Cleta
  25. Cybele
  26. Damia
  27. Danae
  28. Demeter
  29. Dione
  30. Eileithyia
  31. Empusa
  32. Eos
  33. Epialies
  34. Erinyes
  35. Europa
  36. Euxomia
  37. Gaia
  38. Hecate
  39. Helen
  40. Hemera
  41. Hera
  42. Hestia
  43. Horae
  44. Ichnaea
  45. Iphigenia
  46. Jocasta
  47. Leto
  48. Macaria
  49. Media
  50. Melinoe
  51. Mene
  52. Mesembria
  53. Metis
  54. Mnemosyne
  55. Muses
  56. Nemesis
  57. Nesoi
  58. Niobe
  59. Nyx
  60. Orphne
  61. Pandora
  62. Pasithea
  63. Persephone
  64. Phoebe
  65. Rhapso
  66. Rhea
  67. Selene
  68. Telete
  69. Thalassa
  70. Theia
  71. Themis
  72. Thrace
  73. Tythys

Name your horse with style and flair in Breath of the Wild with our in-depth guide to the 'Good Horse Names BOTW'.

77 Latin Horse names for Stallions

There are many famous horses around the world that have been given Greek horse names & Latin horse names.


brown horse walking in the grasses. He has a beautiful Latin horse name.

These names are perfect for strong stallions.

    1. Abas

    1. Adonis

    1. Adrastos

    1. Adrian

    1. Aegyptus

    1. Aeolus

    1. Aeson

    1. Aethon

    1. Aethops

    1. Alastor

    1. Amaltheia

    1. Anemoi

    1. Annas

    1. Aphrodite

    1. Apollo

    1. Areion

    1. Ares

    1. Arie

    1. Aristaeus

    1. Ariston

    1. Athena

    1. Bakis

    1. Balios

    1. Cadmus

    1. Calchas

    1. Cephalus

    1. Chiron

    1. Chryses

    1. Cletus

    1. Cres

    1. Crriasus

    1. Cyrus

    1. Danaus

    1. Dardanos

    1. Deacon

    1. Demitri

    1. Elephenor

    1. Elias

    1. Eurus

    1. Galen

    1. Harpagos

    1. Helio

    1. Hercules

    1. Homer

    1. Ixion

    1. Konobos

    1. Kosmos

    1. Lampos

    1. Laomedon

    1. Memmon

    1. Milos

    1. Nemesis

    1. Nico

    1. Notos

    1. Nycteus

    1. Oebalus

    1. Paris

    1. Pegasus

    1. Persephone

    1. Phobus

    1. Poseidon

    1. Pyrois

    1. Rhesus

    1. Seth

    1. Sithon

    1. Skylla

    1. Solon

    1. Spyro

    1. Sterope

    1. Talamon

    1. Thalos

    1. Theodoros

    1. Topher

    1. Tybalt

    1. Xander

    1. Xanthus

    1. Zephyrus

74 Latin Horse Names for Mares

Greek and Latin horse names are not just for strong stallions. There are equally beautiful names that fit the stunning and strong mare in your stable.

Here are our favorites!

tall brown mare with black hair


    1. Acacia

    1. Acantha

    1. Adelphi

    1. Adonia

    1. Anheliki

    1. Barba

    1. Ballista 

    1. Barbel

    1. Beryl

    1. Casrissa

    1. Cate

    1. Charis

    1. Chloris

    1. Cinda

    1. Cora

    1. Corisande

    1. Demi

    1. Dido

    1. Dimitra

    1. Dorcas

    1. Dorel

    1. Effie

    1. Eirene

    1. Elara

    1. Electra

    1. Elini

    1. Elpis

    1. Eudora

    1. Eurydice

    1. Halcyon

    1. Harmony

    1. Helia

    1. Hestia

    1. Ianthe

    1. Ione

    1. Irene

    1. Ivanna

    1. Jocosta

    1. Justina

    1. Kacia

    1. Kallie

    1. Kalliope

    1. Katerina

    1. Ketelunne

    1. Konstandina

    1. Lalage

    1. Leda

    1. Lenore

    1. Leora

    1. Madge

    1. Magele

    1. Malina

    1. Malissa

    1. Margalo

    1. Margaret

    1. Michalis

    1. Neo

    1. Nerida

    1. Obelia

    1. Odell

    1. Pallas

    1. Pameela

    1. Panagoitis

    1. Paraskevi

    1. Parthena

    1. Raluca

    1. Rhoda

    1. Sibley

    1. Soovi

    1. Sophia

    1. Tancy

    1. Thetis

    1. Urania

    1. Vasiliki

77 Greek and Latin Horse Names for Stunning Stallions

Wait! We are not done yet! We also have a list of classic names for stallions that are stunningly attractive.

If you want to give your stallion a name that expresses how gorgeous he is, check out this list!

white stallion with pinkish nose


These Greek and Latin names for horses will not disappoint you! 

    1. Acratapotes

    1. Acro 

    1. Aeon

    1. Agdistis

    1. Agenor

    1. Agora 

    1. Alcmaeon

    1. Aleus

    1. Anathama 

    1. Anicetus

    1. Aphrodites

    1. Argive

    1. Auge

    1. Auxo

    1. Cepheus

    1. Ceraon

    1. Charon

    1. Christopher

    1. Chryses

    1. Chrysus

    1. Cleta

    1. Cyprian

    1. Daedalus

    1. Damon

    1. Dardanos

    1. Dionysius

    1. Echemus

    1. Edios 

    1. Eirene

    1. Eleftheria

    1. Eleimon 

    1. Elpida 

    1. Ennomus

    1. Enyalius

    1. Enyo

    1. Epidotes

    1. Erasmos

    1. Ethos 

    1. Eudaimonia

    1. Euphranor

    1. Eureka 

    1. Filoksenia 

    1. Filotimo 

    1. Genesis 

    1. Gennadios

    1. Glaucua

    1. Glycon

    1. Goiteftikos 

    1. Grigora

    1. Harpocrates

    1. Hector

    1. Iremia 

    1. Irida 

    1. Jason

    1. Judas

    1. Karpo

    1. Klassikos 

    1. Kosmos

    1. Kudos 

    1. Leander

    1. Linush

    1. Matton

    1. Melanthios

    1. Meraki

    1. Minos

    1. Oileus

    1. Okeanos

    1. Oxyntes

    1. Paidia

    1. Pannychis

    1. Phaenna

    1. Philander

    1. Poios

    1. Psychic 

    1. Sponde

    1. Tryferos 

    1. Wise 

74 Greek and Latin Horse Names for Stunning Mares

If you want to give your mare a name that says all about her charm, check out this list of Latin and Greek names. Even your mare will fall in love with them!

brown mare standing gracefully with her Greek horse names


    1. Acacia

    1. Agalia

    1. Althaia

    1. Amaltheia

    1. Anastasia

    1. Andromeda

    1. Berenice

    1. Calista

    1. Chloe

    1. Christina

    1. Cleopatra

    1. Clete

    1. Danae

    1. Daphne

    1. Delia

    1. Demi

    1. Dimos

    1. Dora

    1. Dree

    1. Drothy

    1. Egan

    1. Eirene

    1. Elena

    1. Epophany

    1. Euthalia

    1. Evanthe

    1. Evnika

    1. Gia

    1. Hebe

    1. Hele

    1. Hirary

    1. Iliana

    1. Indigo

    1. Iria

    1. Iris

    1. Jovianne

    1. Junia

    1. Kadie

    1. Kady

    1. Karen

    1. Kassia

    1. Lamia

    1. Larisa

    1. Lexis

    1. Lotus

    1. Lyra

    1. Mahalia

    1. Maia

    1. Malva

    1. Maret

    1. Margie

    1. Neoma

    1. Neri

    1. Oceana

    1. Olympia

    1. Olympus

    1. Ophelia

    1. Orion

    1. Pamina

    1. Pandora

    1. Penelope

    1. Rena

    1. Reveka

    1. Sibyl

    1. Sirena

    1. Tesha

    1. Thalia

    1. Thea

    1. Theodora

    1. Theone

    1. Vaskiliki

    1. Xenia

    1. Zephyra

    1. Zylina

Final Words

Whether you have a stallion or a mare, you will always find it a bit of a challenge to pick the right name for the gorgeous horse.

If you want to go old-school, Greek and Latin horse names can add a special charm to your horse's identity.

side view of a brown horse with long black hair

What are your favorite Latin and Greek horse names? Please share with us!

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