Can Horses Eat Mango? + [ Other Fruits to Feed Your Horse]

Can Horses Eat Mango? + [ Other Fruits to Feed Your Horse]

Can horses eat mangoes without any issues?

What about other types of fruits? Can horses have strawberries? Can horses have grapes?

Read on for the answers to the safest fruits to feed your equine pal!

Also check: Can Horses Eat Pumpkins?


Let's start with the main question, shall we. Can horses eat mango?

Yes, mangoes are sweet and an excellent treat for your equine friend.

However, avoid feeding them the skin or leaves since they may be toxic.

They sometimes have an effect similar to that of poisonous ivy to people.

Even though it has not been reported in horses, there's no need to risk it.

It would be best if you also didn't feed her the giant seed in the middle, since it may get stuck in her esophagus.

Just remove all the peel and seeds, and cut the flesh into smaller pieces.

Also, since mangoes have a high sugar level, feed them to her in moderation.

Wow, so that was a quick and easy answer, right? Since we have so much time left over, let's discuss some other popular "can my horse eat.." questions.

Please keep reading to find out other fruits you can feed your horse and their benefits.

Can Horses Eat Apples?

Yeppers! In fact, apples are a favorite treat among horse owners!

However, no matter how tempting it is to feed her the whole fruit, you shouldn't give her more than two pieces.

Apples contain a chemical defense substance known as amygdalin. When crushed and metabolized, it's converted to Hydrogen Cyanide.

An excess amount of hydrogen cyanide could lead to cyanide poisoning with symptoms like organ failure, paralysis, coma, and death.

Even though they would need to eat lots of apples to get to that toxic level, don't risk it. But half an apple per day wouldn't hurt.

Can Horses Eat Pears?

The answer is "yes" again! Pears are safe for horses.

However, don't feed them too many, and always remove the seeds and the stems.

Ripe pears are soft and easier to digest, but there's something about them that makes the horse's poop extra smelly.

So if you feed her too may brace yourself with effective respiratory masks when cleaning the barn.

Can Horses Eat Grapes?

Yes. Your horse will love grapes as a treat, especially the sweeter ones.

Seedless grapes are also great since they save you the trouble of removing the seeds.

Save some in your freezer to feed her after a long day of training, or feed her when they're fresh.

Besides fresh grapes, you can also feed them the dried version, also known as raisins. You can choose to feed them raw or include them in oatmeal cookies.

However, if you have a farm dog that often hangs out near your horse, never leave grapes unattended.

While horses can safely devour them, grapes are toxic to dogs.

Can Horses Eat Oranges?

We're really on a roll with the "yes" answers!

Horses love citrus fruits, and they'll eat the whole of it, including the peelings and the seeds.

Oranges are good sources of vitamin C for your equine friend, while the peelings are excellent antioxidants.

However, not all horses will love the orange skin. If she doesn't like the skin, peel it for her.

Due to the high sugar content, only feed her a few pieces per day. You can freeze them too and feed her when they're cold.

And if you have some fresh orange juice, you can give her a sip. I'm sure she will love it.

For an in-depth explanation, check our guide "Can Horses Eat Orange Peels?"

Can Horses Eat Watermelon?

Can horses eat watermelon? You're going to be shocked by this answer. It's...yes, again!

In fact, due to the higher water content, watermelons are excellent treats, especially during the summer heat.

While most people worry about sugar levels in other fruits, watermelons are 90% water and 10% sugar.

They will have to eat lots of them before the sugar is too much for them.

Even though you don't love the rind, the horse will readily eat the whole thing, including the skin, seeds, and the rind. It's a good thing that the rid is not toxic.

The seeds are also tiny, so you don't have to worry about choking. And they don't contain any toxic substances like in apples. You can even dry them and feed them to her as a treat.

But that doesn't mean you can feed her as many melons as you can. Too much rind can cause colic and other digestive tract issues.

And if she bites huge pieces, it may lead to choking. Ensure you cut it into smaller pieces.

Can Horses Eat Bananas?


Bananas are an excellent energy booster and source of Vitamins C and D, magnesium, and potassium.

They are common treats among horse riders who feed their horses some bananas in-between races to boost their energy. 

Due to the high sugar content, don't feed her too much of it. 2 to 3 bananas per week are enough.

There are many ways you can prepare the bananas for your horse.

You can feed her direct from the peel, frozen, baked, or mixed with other foods. You can even place a pill that your horse can't stand into the banana.

However, avoid feeding her processed bananas, dried bananas, or banana puddings.

And if your horse is insulin-resistant, the banana peels are good alternative treats that your horse will love. Read our complete guide on "Can Horses Eat Banana Peels?"

Can Horses Eat Strawberries?

You betcha, they can! Strawberries are good for their health.

They contain Vitamins C, E, and K, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, fibers, and water.

But if you feed them too many strawberries, it may lead to bloating, and your horse may not be able to feed on other beneficial foods.

This could lead to nutrient deficiencies. Strawberries also have a high sugar content level.

The ideal number of strawberries to feed her in a week is 6 to 8.

It could be one per day or all at onceAlso, always feed her fresh strawberries, and wash them with running water to remove pesticide residuals and dirt. 

Can Horses Eat Cantaloupe?

Yes, they can. Cantaloupe has the same benefits to horses as it has to people.

But not all horses will love the taste of the cantaloupe, so watch how she reacts when you offer it. The cantaloupe's flesh contains the following nutrients;

    • Potassium
    • Antioxidants
    • Folic acid
    • Beta carotene
    • Vitamins B and C

It's also low on calories making it a healthier treat compared to the other fruits.

Avoid feeding your horse cantaloupe rinds since they may contain molds. The seeds aren't a good idea either since your horse could choke on them.

The Honeydew is another melon variety that you can comfortably feed your hose. You can feed her both the flesh and the rind, but don't feed her the seeds.

Can Horses Eat Pineapple?

Pineapple is a delicious fruit that's a good source of vitamins for people. While some people fear it's toxic to horses, it's not.

They, too, will love the sweet watery flesh.

t's an excellent way to keep them hydrated during summer, and it will be a source of Vitamins A, B, C, calcium, and magnesium.

The best way to feed your horse pineapples is to remove the outer skin and cut it into slices. Feed her a few slices per week and monitor her reaction.

Too many pineapples could cause diarrhea.

Can Horses Eat Kiwi?

Yes, they can. The Kiwi is a small fruit that's packed with lots of nutrients such as;

    • Vitamin C
    • Folic Acid
    • Flavonoid
    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Fiber

They are the best fruits for racehorses, especially after training, thanks to the higher levels of antioxidants.

SO, what fruits CAN'T Horses Eat?

Wow, so turns out horses can eat pretty much an entire fruit salad without issue.

So, the questions isn't so much what fruit can they eat, but rather which they can't.

Fruit in Large Amounts

Yes, I know I just said that horses can eat a veritable cornucopia of fruit, but there's a catch.

Each and every fruit above is safe in moderation. In other words, as a small treat rather than a major part of their diet.

Tomato Plants

According to HorseDVM, the leaves and stems of the tomato plant are toxic to horses.

While it would probably take an extraordinary amount before your horse even showed symptoms, better safe than sorry.

Whole stone fruits

While horses can eat the flesh of many stone fruits- such as peaches and plums- they shouldn't eat them whole, stone and all.

The pits are a total choking hazard for one thing. Plus, they can contain dangerous toxins.


Sorry, but this superfruit is totally off the menu for your horse. No ifs, ands, buts, or caveats.

Horsemart explains that "every part of the avocado fruit and tree is poisonous to horses, including the skin, stone, leaves and tree bark."

Consumption can cause a very irregular heartbeat, along with restricted breathing, colic, and in serious cases, death.

Tips for Introducing a New Treat

When introducing mangoes, apples, or any other fruits for the first time, don't give them large quantities at once.

This may overwhelm their digestive systems. Start with small amounts. It would also help if you mixed them with your bran mash.

You should also consult your vet before introducing a new treat.

Insulin-resistant horses, senior horses, and horses suffering from various medical conditions may need a special diet that doesn't include sugary treats.

Do you have any other questions regarding whether horses can eat mango or other fruits? Share below.

 Can horses eat mango? Find out the answer, plus learn about other fruits that are- and are not- safe to feed your horse.

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